Aidan Foote

It seems such a shame for something so beautiful to live in shadows, but sometimes the most beautiful things about us are the things we have to hide, in order to survive.  Aidan Foote is the epitome of the lovely darkness residing within everything. He is quick to anger.  He loves so deeply that it’s painful to watch at times.  He feels things no one should ever feel, but perhaps now I’ve said too much.

In The Eleventh Age (book one), I only had the chance to give a glancing look at most of the characters as the story played out. Though Aidan’s tale is important to the first book for Elli’s character development, because the story follows her viewpoint, only her interactions with with him show, which really is the way it is in life; we get little bits of other people’s stories as they cross our paths, and we don’t necessarily understand why they act the way they do (for the most part we don’t even care why they act the way they do, so long as they aren’t bothering us), because we’re only living life from our own perspectives, and in essence, the rest of the world is populated almost entirely with 7 billion bit-part characters we’ve completely made up in order to explain to ourselves why we are justified in our own actions (these shallow characters include our closest family members).  Very selfish, this human nature of ours.  The thing is, if book one had been written from Aidan’s perspective, it would have been an entirely different, much more depressing story, because Aidan lives his life falling victim to other perspectives outside his own.  As the writing progresses, I hope that my readers fall in love with how he wears his shadows, and if there is any fan-fiction to be written, I can’t wait to read the Aidan-centric stories.



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A Series by Luthien T. Kennedy